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9-1-1: Lone Star Recap 05/09/22: Season 3 Episode 17 Spring Cleaning

9-1-1: Lone Star Recap 05/09/22: Season 3 Episode 17 "Spring Cleaning"

Tonight on FOX their #1 drama 9-1-1 Lone Star airs with an all-new Monday, May 9, 2022, season 3 episode 17, “Spring Cleaning” and we have your 9-1-1 Lone Star recap below. In tonight’s 9-1-1 Lone Star season 3 episode 17 as per the FOX synopsis, “The 126 respond to emergencies when a man falls into a trash compactor and a frantic mom tries to rescue her kids in a runaway car. Meanwhile, Tommy and Julius grow closer, as two team members disagree on keeping their romance a secret”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our 9-1-1 Lone Star recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s 9-1-1 Lone Star recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s 9-1-1 Lonestar episode, Tommy was finally packing up her late husband’s things. It was time. He’s been gone a year and he would have liked it if his things went to people in need. He also would have liked Tommy getting help from his brother Julius. Julius may have missed the funeral, but he does care and he seems ready to be there for his family. It just took him a while to realize that. Julius was now firmly in the picture and it also didn’t hurt that there was chemistry. Tommy and Julius have chemistry together. They were lightly flirting when they put a stop to it before it went too far. Like it had before. Tommy wasn’t ready for a relationship nor did she feel entirely comfortable about going there with her brother-in-law.

Sometimes work helped to take her mind off of things. Tommy went to work with her crew and they got called to a scene where a man fell down the trash shoot. He got trapped inside. They had to stop the machine from coming back on and so they pulled a maneuver from Star Wars. But when that didn’t work, someone was smart enough to just unplug it. They eventually got the man out of the trash shoot and it seems Freddie might be getting back together with his ex because this near-death experience had shown them something. It showed they were better off together. Which was sweet to witness.

Matteo had saved that day by unplugging the machine. He celebrated by going from that scene right into bed with Nancy. The two have been hooking up for a while. They haven’t told anyone about it. They figured that keeping silent might work out better if things didn’t end well between them because that way they could still work together. Only, they talked about it again recently. They both decided that they were ready to tell everyone about their relationship and so they went into work the next day with his plan of telling everyone, but Matteo kept chickening out. He kept looking for excuses not to tell everyone.

Take what happened with Carlos. Carlos found out that the station was having lunch. He came over just intending to eat and suddenly Matteo wanted to talk to him. He even wanted to talk about the food with him. Nancy kept trying to get him back on the topic, but Matteo literally looked for every excuse he could, and soon work called again. Nancy hadn’t liked what he did. She was angry. She was so angry that she betrayed him in a board game they were later playing with their friends. That made Matteo get angry. He ended up storming out after Nancy pulled a dirty move and so that turned into Matteo not talking to her.

Elsewhere, Judd was helping his son prepare for an internship interview. Wyatt really wanted to work for a billionaire tech guy and he was disappointed to find out that he had to do an in-person interview for the job. Wyatt was many things. Confidence just wasn’t one of them. Wyatt was so nervous that Judd promised to help and he did help. He got Wyatt a new suit for the interview. He said no job interview was for casual clothing. He also talked Wyatt into correcting his posture and looking people in the eye when he talks. Wyatt has a tendency of looking at the ground when he speaks, so correcting that was something he needed anyways. And not just for a job interview.

The rest of the team got called to a car accident. A woman’s car with her two kids in it had started to run away after she thought she parked it and so she used her body as a speed bump. She was lucky it didn’t kill her. She called 911. They showed up around the same time as this woman’s husband did. Apparently, the poor woman was about to leave her husband. He beats her and the kids. She made a complaint to the police at the scene of her car accident. Only that was the first time she had ever told the police. There was nothing they could do to stop her husband from collecting the kids and so that’s when Owen stepped in.

Owen didn’t lose control. He instead baited the guy into punching him and then had him arrested for assault. It bought the man’s wife some time. She just needed time to go to the hospital and then to get her kids and go to her sister’s. Everyone on the team was proud of what Owen did. They were especially proud that he hadn’t punched the guy because that’s something the old Owen would have done. It also wouldn’t have helped the woman or her kids. What Owen actually did help. He learned to control his anger and so therapy was working for him. The rest of the team also got together to solve what was wrong between Nancy and Matteo and so the former couple admitted that they had been sleeping together.

It wasn’t supposed to get weird until it did. Matteo said the reason he backed out of helping was that he was afraid people would make fun of her for seeing such a short guy. But Nancy knew she was tall. She’s been tall for most of her life. She also didn’t care what anyone thought about her now and so she and Matteo decided to pick things up where they left them.

Tommy also decided to talk to Julius. She was going to tell him that she wasn’t afraid of pursuing a relationship with him anymore, but he told her that he was in love with her and that he was going on tour because he hadn’t wanted to place her in an awkward position.

As for Wyatt, he failed the interview. Judd felt so bad about it that he drove them back to that office and he was going to the guy who ran the place in order to get Wyatt another chance. No sooner did Judd enter the building than it exploded. Wyatt was okay. He had been protected in the car. But he didn’t know what became of his father or the other people inside.

