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Perv teacher called schoolgirl 'addictive' after touching her bum and kissing her head

A teacher lifted up a schoolgirl by her bottom and kissed her head before asking her 'You're alright with this aren't you?'.

Adam Hart was inappropriate with the student after she had gone to him for support, telling her that she was 'addictive' and that hugging her was 'infectious'.

The 29-year-old was said to be a fairly new to teaching and described as 'naïve' in his behaviour, especially towards female pupils.

Birmingham Crown Court heard how Hart had received multiple warnings from colleagues over his conduct in school, leaving his mentor 'exasperated'.

His victim was left scared by his actions and later bravely told her parents what had happened, Birmingham Live reports.

Hart initially denied wrong-doing and a trial, which was significantly delayed by the coronavirus lockdown, resulted in the jury being unable to reach a verdict.

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But ahead of a re-trial he changed his plea to guilty to a charge of sexual activity with a girl aged between 13 to 17 and adult abuse of a position of trust.

The victim, speaking courageously at his sentencing hearing on Friday, May 20, told of how she struggles to trust men and even stands near windows and doors when speaking to them in case she needs a quick escape.

But she then had to witness Hart, of Elmwood Road, Telford, walk out of court as he was spared prison and handed a three-year community order.

Judge Avik Mukherjee, emphasised that he was bound by legal guidelines and in reality any term of imprisonment would be relatively short. He stated it would better serve the public interest and would be more 'constructive' for the probation service to work with Hart.

Prosecutor Antonie Muller stated the victim initially went to Hart for support over a personal matter. He said: "His response was physical. He hugged her and in that non-sexual way comforted her.

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"But that started a process by which Mr Hart began to sexualise the situation between teacher and pupil. He called her addictive and called hugging her infectious to her face."

He told the court Hart then started giving her things, such as chocolate, before he 'began hugging her again, held her bottom lifted her up as she faced him saying 'you're alright with this aren't you?', and kissed her on the head'.

Mr Muller said the incident scared the girl, who began to avoid Hart, before confiding in her parents. Hart was suspended from the school before being "completely removed from teaching", said the prosecutor - who stated his conviction would mean he would never work in that field again.

Mr Muller had cross-examined Hart at the trial about grooming to which he confirmed he had been trained on how to avoid such behaviour, even though he did things like criticise the victim's boyfriend.

When interviewed by police Hart said he touched the victim's bottom 'unintentionally' while claiming he did not remember kissing her, the court heard. Mr Muller added: "A particular feature is his failure to respond to diligent teachers around him who warned him about his teaching approach. He was a new teacher.

"His mentor was frankly exasperated by his failure to amend his approach, particularly to female pupils. She anticipated this was going to end badly for the victim and his future as a teacher."

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The victim, reading her own impact statement, outlined her ongoing trust issues with males and revealed she suffered with anxiety, flashbacks and nightmares as a result of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Will Dudley, defending, said: "It is only relatively recently the defendant has acknowledged the true position. It has proven slightly difficult for him to readily vocalise these things. He is not the most outgoing personality."

He confirmed Hart had no previous records and added: "He was new into his teaching career. Perhaps there was an element of naivety. The reality is there's no excusing what happened and he does not seek in any way to."

Judge Mukherjee told Hart he will have to live with the fact his good character has gone for many years. He said: "You took advantage of the situation she found herself in and the circumstances you found yourself in, not withstanding your extensive training.

"You forgot about her and focused on your needs, desires and feelings. You abused your position of trust."

He commended the victim's maturity for speaking in court and confiding in her parents as well as their conduct in not being 'out for blood' throughout the criminal proceedings adding: "Maybe she just wanted you to recognise your wrong-doing and to be vindicated and believed. Finally, that has happened."

He ordered Hart to carry out 30 days rehabilitation activity and an accredited sexual offending programme as well as pay £2,500 in costs. Judge Mukherjee said: "Sending you to custody for a very short period wouldn't be beneficial to the public. They need to be protected from you in the future.

"With that in mind, I want to make it clear I am not passing what I believe to be a lenient sentence. I am passing the most constructive disposal in this case."

He also imposed a five-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) and warned any breaches or any further offences during the course of his community order would result in a 'very bad day' for Hart.

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