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Where is Curtis Clinton today? Whereabouts explored ahead of See No Evil on ID

In November 2013, Curtis Clinton, from northern Ohio, was convicted in the deaths of Heather Jackson and her two young children, who were found strangled to death at their new home on John Street, Sandusky. He was found guilty of aggravated murder and r*pe of a minor in connection to an unrelated r*pe case of a 17-year-old.

Clinton was sentenced to death for the three killings soon after the guilty verdict. However, according to a 2021 Sandusky Register report, his execution has been delayed indefinitely as Ohio struggles to get the drugs needed to perform lethal injections. He is currently incarcerated at the Chillicothe Correctional Institution in Ohio.

An upcoming episode of See No Evil on ID is slated to revisit the triple murder case of Heather Jackson and her young children in an episode, titled It Came Back. The episode airs at 8 pm ET this Friday, February 17, 2023. The official synopsis of the episode states:

"When a young mother of two is found brutally murdered at home, suspicion falls on her friends; detectives zero in on multiple suspects who tell different stories, and they don't know who to trust."

An ex-convict named Curtis Clinton was connected to the 2012 triple homicide case of Heather Jackson and her two children

In September 2012, Curtis Clinton, who was released from prison six months ago, was arrested in the triple murder case of a woman he knew and her two young children. The victims included 23-year-old mother Heather Jackson, her three-year-old daughter Celine, and 18-month-old son Wayne Jr.

According to reports, authorities found their bodies on the evening of September 8 at their home in Sandusky, a northern Ohio city situated along Lake Erie midway between Toledo and Cleveland. The discovery was made during a welfare check after friends and family failed to hear from the young mother.

Sandusky resident Clinton, who had known Jackson for about five months, was arrested on charges of aggravated murder. At the time, authorities confirmed that he acted alone. It was later confirmed that the mother's body was found jammed between the mattress and the bed frame, while the children were found in a nearby utility closet behind boxes.

Heather Jackson and her two young children (Image via Monsters among us/YouTube)

A prime suspect in the murders, 41-year-old Clinton was arrested from a hospital in Bellevue and taken in for questioning. Additionally, it was revealed that he was charged with r*pe in an unrelated case of a 17-year-old.

At the time, it was also discovered that Clinton had served 13 years in prison after pleading guilty to involuntary manslaughter in 1999 for the strangulation death of 18-year-old Misty Keckler two years prior to his conviction in northwest Ohio's Wood County, roughly 50 miles from Sandusky.

Curtis Clinton is currently serving his prison time in Ohio

According to reports, Curtis Clinton had previously served time in prison after pleading guilty to voluntary manslaughter in a strangulation death case from the late 90s. At the time of the triple homicide, he was out on parole and was in a s*xual relationship with 23-year-old Jackson.

In 2013, Curtis Clinton stood trial in the Erie County Court of Common Pleas for the murders of Heather Jackson and her two children, Wayne Jr. and Celina. Additionally, a week before the killings, he had r*ped and strangled a 17-year-old girl, who survived the incident.

Clinton received a death sentence after being found guilty on all counts of aggravated murder, r*pe, and burglary. He filed an appeal against his conviction, but the Ohio Supreme Court rejected it in 2018. However, according to the Sandusky Register, his execution date cannot be set until he has exhausted all of his appeals as per a Supreme Court order. Since then, Curtis Clinton has been serving time at the Chillicothe Correctional Institution in Ohio.

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